Speed to market depends on the right people – and we have them right now.
Why Vaital.
Profitable AI = Data + Code
(+Business Context).
At Vaital, we build new markets, grow revenue, and cut costs. It’s not about big data. It’s about good data. Whether you’re a startup or market leader, we thrive at taking limited, messy data — even no data at all — and bringing game-changing solutions to life.
Achieve Technology Leadership Faster.
We create disruptive, data-centric innovation at lightspeed. Our engineering team is 240 strong, creating ML models often found only at companies with a trillion-dollar market cap. Vaital fuels enterprises across industries to achieve fast innovation — with stellar ROI.
Vaital Clients Are Winning The Talent War
Vaital clients are winning the talent war. <200,000 people worldwide can confidently write a Machine Learning model. Are you able to attract, hire, and retain the key talent you need to gain competitive advantage? Per Gartner and Microsoft, there is a massive skills gap — and is expanding exponentially. Vaital is here to help.
Of CEOs worry their company won’t survive the decade
Source: PwC, World Economic Forum
Are you worried?
2/3 of CEOs say AI will be bigger than the internet revolution.
Source: PWC
Are you positioned
to win?
Compensation for senior software engineers is exceeding $1m/year at big companies.
Source: stateof.ai
How will you compete?
Launch Your AI Edge.
Solve Problems
others can’t
in ways other don’t
Undiscovered Talent
prized by companies with a $1T market cap
Computer Vision
Machine Learning
Predictive Analytics
Synthetic Data
Cloud Engineering
Product & App Dev
IoT & Mobility
Solution Integration
Our Mission
Transform Data Into Growth.
Our Vision
Solve The World’s Unsolvable Problems.
Diverse Teams Build Better Products.
Vaital clients benefit from world-class female engineers.
Half the planet are women. If half your customers are female – women must play a far bigger role in technology.
This truth is pivotal in the field of AI. It’s equal parts culture and strategy. Globally, women represent under 20% of the software and AI workforce.
Because of the unique way we source and develop our talent, Vaital clients enjoy 50% greater gender diversity on our engineering teams than the rest of the industry.
We believe that is not only the right thing to do; it’s also smart business.